castle of, 8/403; 9/197-198; 11/63; 15/286; 16/115, 136-138, 177-178, 290; 18/220, 223, 274; 19/19; 20/296-297; 25/808; 27/591, 787, 790, 830; 28/7, 364; 30/317, 400, 439; 31/311-312; 32/310, 321, 566b
- forest of, 15/286; 16/115; 27/830
- gaol of, 30/439
- vill of, 16/136
- letters attested at, 17/59, 63
- Bishop of, see Gras (1231–1247)
- keeper of the bishopric of, see Walerand
castle of, 15/148; 25/820; 30/360; 32/341, 582
- cathedral of, 11/182; 12/297
- gaol of, 27/165; 29/396; 31/401, 448
- villate of, 30/49
- Countess of, see Longespée (1196–1261)
- Eleanor, Countess of, 16/192, 202; 17/303; 18/154
- Earl of, see Longespée (1197–1226)
- letters attested at, 20/25
2/186; 5/267- 268; 13/284, 291- 292, 295; 14/20, 188, 382; 15/305; 27/867; 28/326, 349, 355, 358, 360, 368; 29/196, 296
- Alexander II, abbot of, 29/426
- Richard I, abbot of, 7/42-43, 236
- Alexander, abbot of, 3/251
- Richard II, abbot of, 14/246; 20/497
Hugh [of Drayton], abbot of, 32/408
- Waleran, cellarer of, 7/113
Walter [Mauclerk], keeper of, 7/92a-92b
- Reiner, prior of, 7/113
Agnes [de Ferrers], abbess of, 32/97, 341, 582
Amice [Russell], abbess of, 13/17, 406; 15/152, 154, 344; 17/190; 18/28
Agnes [Longespée], abbess of, 30/426
- assessor and collector of the tallage of, see Passelewe
Robert [Passelewe], keeper of, 30/422; 31/65; 32/312
- keeper of, 27/280
- St. Juliana's chapel of, 7/243
borough of, 11/155
- assessors and collectors of tallage of, see Audley; Bonet
castle of, 14/10; 25/810; 30/360
- gaol of, 28/141; 29/387
- vill of, 7/105, 219; 18/200; 19/155
- keeper of the king’s wines of, see Baril; Red
- letters attested at, 4/141-146; 5/212-220; 7/287, 306; 8/376-391; 10/256, 258; 12/265; 14/372; 16/195, 197; 17/44, 346-348, 351, 355; 25/597-598, 601-602, 604-613, 615
2/69, 137, 212, 250; 4/16- 17, 20, 23, 65, 143, 146, 214, 221; 5/65, 69, 224, 229, 349; 6/127, 145, 149, 166, 194, 310; 7/7, 14, 219, 238, 240, 266, 292, 303; 8/97, 123, 207, 334, 378, 380, 383, 386, 392, 398; 9/38, 63, 129, 264; 10/29, 53, 83- 84, 223; 11/48, 195, 265; 12/32, 57, 70, 120, 163, 278- 279; 13/35, 88, 222, 254, 326, 489, 513; 14/10, 80, 92- 93, 122, 373, 450, 453; 15/53, 88, 181, 184, 205, 323, 326; 16/54, 221, 228, 237, 298; 17/39, 45, 208, 225, 294, 297, 351, 353- 354; 18/201, 273, 305, 388; 19/81, 154b, 220, 253, 271, 274, 307, 358, 377, 383, 439, 510, 514, 517; 20/26, 112, 487; 21/98, 140; 22/74a- 74c, 75- 76; 23/78, 191, 245; 24/40, 42, 114, 185; 25/71, 191, 206, 230, 320, 466, 553, 593, 601- 602, 604, 619- 620, 731, 810; 26/7, 44, 119, 175, 258- 259, 266, 331, 454, 527, 555; 27/77, 170, 289, 738; 28/19, 89, 114, 122- 123, 130, 141, 187, 233, 270, 480, 498; 29/205, 350, 385, 387- 388, 428, 469, 475, 526; 30/65, 331, 336, 360, 375, 520, 592; 31/40, 42, 75, 79, 187, 433, 450, 514- 515, 544; 32/400, 580, 620- 621
- assessors and collectors of tallage of, see Audley; Basset; Breton; Lestrange; Poer; Rushall; Wootton
- escheator of, 31/42, 75, 79, 187, 544; 32/400
- sheriffs of, see Audley; Blundeville; Lestrange; Pantulf
- sheriffs of, 2/212, 250; 7/238, 303; 8/97; 9/38; 11/48; 12/57, 278-279; 13/35, 88; 14/10, 92-93; 15/326; 16/228, 237, 298; 17/45; 19/154b, 439, 510, 517; 20/26; 26/44, 331; 27/738; 28/19; 31/40