9/375; 27/29- 30, 48, 172, 389, 393, 507, 566, 602, 766- 767, 772, 827, 837- 838, 861- 865; 28/255, 278- 279, 307, 459; 29/46, 54, 209, 486- 487, 594; 30/229, 314, 437, 626; 31/12, 120, 222; 32/21, 32, 70, 134, 157, 259, 327, 508, 520
St. Paul's cathedral of, 2/227; 3/45, 49-50, 52; 6/260; 7/4-5, 228; 17/9; 18/326; 19/224, 399-400; 20/87-88, 208-209; 26/33; 30/386, 496; 31/224; 32/304
- city of, 2/74, 89, 94; 3/200b; 4/118; 5/47, 54, 170-173, 269, 302; 6/98, 164, 185, 230, 268, 279; 7/56, 77, 148, 181; 10/181, 183; 11/71; 13/142-143; 14/242; 15/284; 16/284; 17/239; 18/184, 197; 19/314-316; 20/264, 415; 23/179; 25/430-431, 633; 26/521; 30/45, 229, 455; 32/45, 93, 128, 535, 586
exchange of, 7/76; 13/76, 142-143; 15/166; 18/197; 27/794
- exchequer of, 18/198
gaol of, 13/119-120; 27/766-767; 30/198
- keeper of the gaols of, 13/119
tower of, 2/28, 105, 109, 115, 125, 128, 130, 135, 139-140, 143, 146-147, 149-150, 199, 201, 203; 3/55-57, 178, 182, 192, 194; 5/51, 56, 58-60, 91-92, 95-97, 236-237, 243, 254, 265, 269-270, 294, 298, 301-302, 304, 308, 311, 313; 6/58, 66, 115, 136, 138-140, 186, 225, 229, 247, 259-261, 263-264, 300-301; 7/226, 230, 232, 234; 8/34; 9/59-60; 10/113; 13/142-143, 162-163; 15/284; 19/38, 405, 488; 21/206; 23/220, 235-236; 27/86-92, 276, 791, 832; 28/81-82; 29/228; 30/607
- vill of, 32/95
- Constable of, 18/301; 23/179
- chamberlains of, see Joynier; Sibton
- citizens of, see Abel; Batecok; Bruning'; Bukerel; Burghers; Burser; Candlewick St.; Cofferer; Cordwainer; Duc; Egle; Ely; Hadstock; Hadstock; Kingessone; Mar'; Merchant; Peter; Ramsden; Reinger; Roger; St. Martin; Stowe; Travers; Trayre
- keeper of the chamberlainship of, see Mar'
- mayors of, see Basing; Bukerel; Gisors; Reinger; Tovy
- mayor of, 11/92, 308; 12/42
- merchant of, see Blundel
- moneyers of, see Bachelor; Goldsmith; Necton
- letters attested at, 8/318-320, 323-338, 346-354, 356-358; 9/299-300; 13/76, 300, 313, 316, 323, 332; 18/301
- William, archdeacon of, 6/97-98
2/12, 28, 30, 33, 85, 110, 127, 207- 208; 3/12, 22, 49- 50, 52, 61, 148, 176, 178, 183a, 187- 189, 288, 392, 394- 396, 398, 402- 404, 431a; 4/101- 102, 115, 284; 5/46, 96, 103- 104, 167, 320; 6/230, 246, 268, 279; 7/54, 76, 148; 8/258, 317- 318, 323, 327, 329, 333, 342, 346, 351, 357, 406, 411; 9/35, 59, 203, 207; 10/102, 181; 11/92, 249, 308, 328, 359; 12/42, 184; 14/47, 225, 394- 397; 15/102, 318; 16/10, 180, 212, 214, 228, 237, 284; 17/9, 139, 179; 18/291; 19/7- 8, 38, 92, 168, 234, 312- 313, 513- 517; 20/61, 67, 151, 201, 210, 288, 357, 415, 436; 21/75, 82, 150; 22/61; 23/388; 25/252- 253, 633, 695, 700; 26/30, 107, 372; 27/276, 344, 497, 791; 29/228, 309; 30/229, 455, 496; 31/120; 32/95
- mint of, 19/234
- vill of, 19/315
- sheriffs of, see Blund; Blund; Neuelun
- sheriffs of, 2/85, 89; 3/178, 402; 4/115; 6/246; 8/258, 342, 411; 10/181; 11/249; 12/42; 16/228, 237; 18/291, 294; 19/7; 20/151, 415; 25/633, 695, 700; 26/107; 27/276, 344, 497, 791; 28/307; 29/228, 309; 30/229, 455, 496; 31/120; 32/95
- John, prior of the hospital of, 3/148
- Masters of the Knights of, see Martel (1218–1228); Sandford (1229–1248)
- Brother Robert, Preceptor of, 9/230
- Preceptor of, 23/220
- Treasurer of, see Stocton
- letters attested at, 3/183a-183b, 184-191, 288-292, 392-406, 431a-431b, 432; 8/42-43; 9/93, 96, 100, 110-111; 11/308; 27/198-204
- master of the ship of, see Malet