- assessor and collector of the tallage of Yorkshire, 19/383
- keeper of the bishopric of St. David's, 31/216, 251, 359
- sheriff of Gloucestershire, 32/315
- unnamed daughter and heiress of, 21/2
- keepers of the honour of, see Aubigny; Teutonicus
- keeper of the honour of, 2/34, 176; 3/354; 4/50; 5/254, 297; 6/97-98; 7/55, 71-73, 159; 9/18-19, 74, 155, 372-373; 10/61, 119, 214, 242, 272; 11/283; 12/147; 13/23, 291-292, 321-322, 367; 15/215; 25/294
- assessor and collector of the tallage of Lincoln, 11/282
- Richard, abbot of, 2/104, 210; 3/191, 409; 11/162, 189; 13/351
- Henry [of Amwell], abbot of, 16/214; 30/682
Robert [Passelewe], keeper of, 32/256, 280
- keeper of the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield, 26/329; 27/597-598, 836, 864
- justice of assize in Worcestershire, 31/349, 422; 32/371
- justice of assize in Staffordshire, 31/408; 32/558-561
- justice of assize in Warwickshire, 31/418; 32/52, 472, 483
- justice of assize in Northamptonshire, 31/518, 528; 32/201, 463, 522
- justice of assize in Herefordshire, 32/69
- justice of assize in Cambridgeshire, 32/384
- justice of assize in Derbyshire, 32/492
1/18; 2/52; 3/200b; 4/172; 5/31, 163; 8/356, 391; 9/1- 2, 111- 112, 286; 10/132- 133, 344, 353- 354; 15/64- 65, 147, 250; 16/235; 17/18, 44; 18/18, 33, 357- 358, 365- 367; 19/45, 110, 267; 20/117, 433, 562; 21/142; 23/84; 24/102- 103, 157, 287, 297; 25/33, 181, 270a- 270b, 422, 425, 533; 26/137- 138; 27/332; 28/111; 29/42- 43, 524, 555; 30/81- 82, 103, 331, 517
- John [of Durham], prior of, 29/426
- assessors and collectors of tallage of, see Durvassal; Ladbroke
- escheator of, 31/177; 32/9, 273
- justices in eyre of, see Lexington; Preston; Thirkleby
- justice of assize of, see Walton
- sheriffs of, see Bray; fitz Nicholas; Lacelles; Lucy; Poer; Ponton; Stuteville; Trussel; Wolf
- sheriffs of, 2/83, 127, 236, 258; 3/13, 24-25, 30, 38b, 51, 64, 87, 89b-90b, 135, 198, 335, 417; 4/106, 163, 181, 183, 186, 209; 5/13, 64, 99, 131, 186, 231, 277, 309-310, 347; 6/17, 30, 63, 76, 102, 117, 136, 158, 176, 214, 318-319; 7/224, 257, 267, 303; 8/66, 130, 138, 163, 254, 328, 369, 415; 9/70, 153, 232, 275; 10/13, 52, 83-84, 165, 332; 11/23, 37, 60, 322, 360, 392, 395; 12/4-5, 10-11, 21, 132, 135, 273, 276, 285; 13/34-35, 40, 43-44, 50, 55, 57, 63, 228, 241-242, 245, 292, 301, 316; 14/449; 15/8, 12, 19, 52, 56, 64, 88, 141, 181, 251, 268, 322, 325, 339; 16/16, 26, 51, 71, 194, 218, 228, 237, 270, 300; 17/5, 184, 304, 312-313; 18/2, 10, 25, 27, 34, 81, 276; 19/154b, 227, 241, 307, 340, 348, 360, 390, 420b, 449, 451; 20/260, 292, 408, 460, 466, 468, 539, 553; 21/131, 169, 173, 179, 183, 253; 22/42; 23/38, 126, 171, 212-213, 216, 308, 337; 24/133, 226; 25/5, 123, 133, 205, 209, 250, 279, 347, 370, 392, 432, 441, 455, 457, 543, 560, 639, 643-644, 697, 712, 719, 726, 750b; 26/36, 63, 131, 181, 183, 212, 237, 239, 300-302, 309, 342, 413, 415, 452a, 458, 485, 510, 554b; 27/18, 23, 42, 94, 106, 114, 213, 231, 258, 264, 288, 324; 28/332, 336; 29/304, 399a, 452-453, 457, 485, 552, 562; 30/13, 169, 180, 216, 477, 580, 652; 31/16, 149, 354, 388, 407, 547, 551; 32/16, 27, 133, 136, 140, 374, 433, 472, 483, 526, 542
- justice of assize in Lincolnshire, 31/159, 163
- justice of assize in Bedfordshire, 31/348
- justice of assize in Yorkshire, 31/476
- justice of assize in Yorkshire, 32/189-190, 457, 467-468, 517, 521, 576
- assessor and collector of the tallage of Kent, 19/508
- sheriff of Essex and Hertfordshire, 25/815
- justice of assize, 12/67
- assessor and collector of the tallage of Lincolnshire, 19/383
- keeper of Bardney, 25/637, 664
- keeper of the bishopric of Norwich, 28/297, 367
3/14, 113, 144- 145, 307a, 307c; 5/12; 8/292; 9/216, 241, 245, 357; 11/101, 241; 12/156; 13/8- 9; 14/22, 245, 253- 254; 15/224- 225; 17/269, 276; 18/46; 19/129- 130, 145
2/191; 8/24, 133, 196, 220, 423; 9/119, 163, 166, 284; 10/84, 316; 11/101, 158; 12/104, 149, 168, 210; 13/10, 41; 14/20, 22, 159, 245, 253- 254; 15/224- 225; 17/55; 18/47; 19/138- 139, 258; 20/564; 27/60
- writs witnessed by, 10/102, 104-105; 11/16-21, 23-24, 127, 269-270, 274; 12/211, 216-218, 220, 307; 13/1-3, 5-6; 15/47, 57, 59, 63-64
- writs authorized by, 9/87, 268; 19/37
- writs witnessed in the presence of, 8/45, 47, 93, 104, 124, 138, 149-150, 155, 168, 175, 195, 209, 331, 333, 420-421; 9/1, 17, 20, 57-58, 68, 102-104, 160, 162, 192-197, 202, 236, 282, 361, 373-374; 10/15-16, 18-21, 24, 28, 45, 47-48, 65, 67, 78-83, 98, 100-101, 112
- assessor and collector of the tallage of Suffolk, 19/383
- Robert [de Alenzun], prior of, 31/167
- Richard [of Barking], abbot of, 9/178-179; 12/75; 13/388; 17/332; 18/21; 19/41, 107, 390; 20/97; 27/554-555, 563, 574, 831; 28/1, 146
- William [du Hommet], abbot of, 3/31; 5/94, 169; 6/171-172
Edward [son of Odo], keeper of, 31/51
- William, keeper of, 6/171-172
- Master Thomas [Medic], keeper of, 6/171-172
Richard [de Mida], keeper of, 6/171
- keeper of the king's works of, see Odo
- keeper of the king's works of, 30/228, 236, 274, 322, 330, 360, 364, 376-377
- William, monk of, 6/171-172
- sacrist of, 27/572
- assessors and collectors of tallage of, see Levington; Moulton
- justice in eyre of, see Thirkleby
- keeper of the king's demesne landss of, see Crepping; Stamford
- keepers of the king's escheats of, see Crepping; Stamford
- sheriff of, see Mauclerk
- sheriff of, 4/141, 150, 174; 5/110; 7/202, 312; 8/265; 15/67, 326; 16/287; 17/245; 19/154b, 384, 510, 517; 20/398, 507; 21/177; 23/87; 25/379, 388-389, 568; 26/368; 29/342
- Roger [of Scarborough], abbot of, 11/238; 14/244
- William, cellarer of, 7/189
- William, keeper of, 7/189
Thomas [of Hertford], keeper of, 7/189
- Roger [of Scarborough], keeper of, 7/189
- Alan [of Wilton], keeper of, 7/189
- Roger [of Scarborough], prior of, 7/189
- justice of assize in Dorset, 30/156
- assessor and collector of the tallage of Oxfordshire, 18/126