9/261; 15/194; 19/207, 294- 295; 20/165; 22/28; 24/201, 216, 241; 26/403; 27/785; 28/226; 29/399a; 30/60; 31/368, 382, 390, 434, 454- 456, 458, 462, 467, 469- 472, 474, 477, 479, 483- 484, 489, 491, 498- 499, 523; 32/160, 215
- master of the hospital of, 25/710
2/56, 125, 128, 132, 136, 146, 153, 188; 3/21, 59, 89b- 90b, 104, 141, 213, 362b, 380- 381, 383; 4/109, 130, 145, 209, 222, 225; 5/18, 90, 103, 242, 263, 296, 299, 318, 344, 346; 6/20, 24, 35, 52, 59, 90- 91, 110, 139, 272, 274- 275, 286; 7/34, 37, 53, 103, 105, 233, 238, 285, 303; 8/42, 55, 67, 90, 122, 146, 205, 215, 227, 305, 324, 328- 330, 360, 367, 388, 413; 9/5, 32, 223, 258, 261, 310, 362; 10/11, 124, 146, 167, 212, 256- 257, 272; 11/206, 218, 257, 265, 280; 12/48, 61, 94, 185; 13/9, 16, 34, 42, 44, 53, 63, 68, 82, 171, 174, 279, 288, 292, 384, 400, 427, 435, 454, 478, 492; 14/88- 89, 141, 206, 211- 212, 350; 15/19, 52, 56, 65, 73, 75, 114- 115, 120, 152, 154, 194, 217, 234, 326, 332; 16/53, 158, 165- 166, 197, 218, 228, 237, 246, 253, 258; 17/140, 153, 237, 297; 18/63, 126, 173, 259, 357- 358, 365- 367; 19/52, 88, 154b, 204a- 204b, 207, 212, 281- 282, 294- 296, 350, 383, 397, 426- 427, 435, 480, 490, 508; 20/6, 39, 153, 164- 166, 557, 559; 21/36, 70, 75, 119, 154- 155, 159, 240; 22/20, 27- 28, 32, 66, 86; 23/18, 98, 100, 108, 124, 129, 160, 172, 193, 252, 254, 279; 24/105, 224, 272; 25/19, 34, 87, 165, 270b, 277, 313, 377, 419, 424, 443, 445, 478, 487, 533, 647, 663, 672, 710, 730, 734, 812; 26/18, 50, 77, 88, 107, 143, 241, 253, 305, 318, 384, 463, 502, 529; 27/9, 200, 207, 278, 309b, 333- 334, 785, 827, 829, 849; 28/180, 226, 287, 334, 357, 469; 29/86, 95, 97- 98, 139, 148, 182, 219, 241, 246- 247, 348, 399b, 491, 547; 30/110, 126, 227, 254, 346, 573- 574, 707; 31/105, 133, 141, 149, 151, 230, 257, 310, 462, 484, 505- 506, 519, 537; 32/6, 15, 42, 160, 214, 223- 224, 276- 277, 318, 384, 464, 591
- assessors and collectors of tallage of, see Cardeston; Caxton; Caxton; Christian; Coleville; Hengrave
- escheator of, 31/310
- justices of assize of, see Bath; Caxton; Thirkleby; Walton
- sheriffs of, see Caxton; Colne; Hatfield; Staunton
- sheriffs of, 2/56, 125, 136, 146, 153; 3/21, 59, 89b-90b, 104, 141, 213, 362b, 380-381, 383; 4/109, 130, 145, 225; 5/18, 90, 263, 296, 299, 318, 344, 346; 6/52, 59, 90-91, 110, 139, 272, 274-275, 286; 7/34, 37, 53, 103, 233, 238, 285; 8/42, 67, 90, 122, 146, 205, 305, 324, 328-330, 360, 388, 413; 9/5, 258, 261, 362; 10/11, 124, 146, 167, 212, 256-257, 272; 11/206, 218, 257, 280; 12/48, 61, 94, 185; 13/34, 53, 63, 68, 171, 279; 14/88-89, 141, 206, 350; 15/19, 52, 56, 75, 114-115, 120, 152, 154, 194, 332; 16/165-166, 218, 246, 253; 17/140, 153, 297; 18/126, 173; 19/52, 207, 212, 281, 294-296, 397, 426, 435, 480; 20/39, 153, 559; 21/154, 159, 240; 22/20, 27-28, 32, 86; 23/18, 98, 100, 108, 124, 129, 172, 193, 252, 254, 279; 24/105, 272; 25/19, 34, 87, 165, 270b, 277, 313, 377, 419, 424, 445, 478, 487, 647, 663, 672, 710, 730, 734; 26/18, 50, 77, 107, 143, 241, 253, 305, 318, 403, 463, 529; 27/9, 200, 207, 278, 309b, 333-334, 785, 827, 849; 28/226, 287, 334, 469; 29/95, 97-98, 139, 148, 182, 219, 247, 348, 491, 547; 30/110, 346, 573-574, 707; 31/105, 151, 230, 257, 462, 484, 519, 537; 32/42, 160, 214, 224, 277, 318, 384, 464, 591
3/40, 190; 6/219; 10/237; 12/224; 13/159; 14/210; 17/119, 139; 18/396; 19/99- 100, 263; 23/137; 25/203, 318, 329, 337, 364, 366, 413, 433; 27/835; 28/8- 9; 30/45; 32/98, 420, 424, 434
- Christchurch cathedral of, 27/579
castle of, 18/261; 25/827; 27/141
- constable of, see Criel
- keeper of the castle of, see Criel
- city of, 18/393, 395-396; 25/203; 28/9, 68
exchange of, 13/142-143; 18/197; 25/203; 29/507
- keeper of the exchange of, see Hardel
mint of, 20/27-28
- vill of, 19/99-100, 155; 20/27
- villate of, 14/207
- letters attested at, 3/407a; 4/189-196; 5/41-43; 6/232-235; 7/258-259; 9/61, 225; 12/8, 221; 16/213; 17/161; 19/121-122, 125-132; 20/105; 21/63-69; 23/95; 28/66-68; 30/414-423, 430; 31/203-207
9/207; 10/262; 12/218- 219, 222- 224, 306; 13/20, 32, 84- 86, 189; 15/66- 67, 278- 280, 282, 287- 291, 295- 296, 298, 313, 342- 343; 17/23, 26, 56- 58, 119, 172, 271; 18/99- 100, 120; 25/84- 85, 203, 278, 318; 26/114, 275- 276, 281, 516; 27/27, 79, 134, 145, 232, 281, 366, 382, 462- 464, 492, 513, 517, 526, 532, 539, 542, 555, 564, 568, 573, 577, 579, 584, 600- 601, 619, 628, 781, 835, 854; 28/6, 15- 16, 25
- doorkeepers of, 13/77
Roger [de Lee, la], prior of, 23/7, 96; 27/382
- Walter, prior of, 3/40, 190, 254
Nicholas [of Sandwich], prior of, 29/425; 32/116
Master John [of Sittingbourne], prior of, 13/77-78, 99; 17/56-58; 19/2, 123, 263
- Hugh, abbot of, 10/15
Robert [of Battle], abbot of, 11/121, 221; 13/390; 17/321, 324-326; 21/64; 24/83
Walter [de Kirkham], keeper of, 15/297-299
Ralph [de Trubleville], keeper of, 15/297-299
- Hugh, prior of, 10/16
- prior of, 10/15-16
William [of Hungerford], abbot of, 16/81; 19/58a-58b, 464; 20/120
- Richard, abbot of, 13/419; 15/152, 154
Richard [de Suwell], abbot of, 31/241
John [Beleiaumbe], keeper of, 28/135
21/176; 23/64, 72- 73, 395; 25/402, 670, 735; 26/116, 345, 347- 348; 27/580; 29/394, 397, 435- 437, 466, 521; 30/27, 251; 32/204
- castle of, 21/176
- city of, 23/94
- gaol of, 28/47
- mill of, 30/558
- Constable of, see Lacy
- Clemencia, Countess of, 18/23
- Earls of, see Blundeville (1217–1232) (1188–1232); Scot (1232–1237) (1232–1237)
- Justices of, see Gray; Lestrange; Lexington; Orby
- chamberlain of, 30/27
- letters attested at, 25/618-632; 29/476-503; 30/1-12
- keeper of the honour of, 19/427
forest of, 19/35; 20/291; 23/3, 15, 350; 29/333; 31/401; 32/108-109, 428
- manor of, 29/333
- keeper of the king's houses of, see Cook
- keeper of the king's houses of, 27/498
- letters attested at, 9/340, 344; 10/55-56; 14/222; 15/130; 16/14; 19/68-73; 20/64-70, 151-155, 342-354; 21/19-22; 23/36-44, 353-362; 24/11-27; 25/500-526, 527a-527b, 528-529; 28/135-141; 29/138-151; 30/496-512; 31/46-90, 369-384; 32/63, 65-72, 418-430, 433-436